Elegant Green Events

Harwood floors, brick walls, rich heavy theater curtains– our event space is going to be beautiful. My goal is to have people see the space and be taken with its beauty, without even knowing it’s the greenest event space in Chicago.

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Back stairs, drywall and a green alley

Logan Square Kitchen keeps changing every week. Currently the facade of the building is being restored. Also, drywall has been going up in the basement and upstairs apartments.

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Mindful of Construction Miles

One of our attempted LEED credits calls for us to source construction materials regionally– within 500 miles of our Kitchen. On our Community Walk page, we’ve mapped out construction materials including:steel, plumbing, wood, stone, concrete, metal studs, and drywall.

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Construction Booking Along

We’re making good time in the kitchen. Underground plumbing is in, walls have been framed out, and the heavy duty task of hanging black iron duct for hoods is in the works.

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Strengthening Our Local Food Supply

As we build a kitchen to serve food producers and entrepreneurs, I’m seeing the dangerous ground on which our food supply rests in Illinois. We are a state of rich farmland, yet we import 95% of the food we eat, sending our hard-earned money out of state– $48 BILLION annually.

Fortunately we have terrific people hard at work to change this, to transform our food system into a healthy, more secure and more prosperous one.

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Steel Rising

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Construction Continues…

Hello everybody, Lindsay here again.  I wanted to update everyone on LSK’s construction.  I visited the space last friday, and a lot of progress has been made over the last month.  A new concrete floor has been poured into the kitchen space, filling in that giant hole from my previous post.  Also the wall between the front dining room and the kitchen is up.

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Water, Water Everywhere…

Living in the Great Lakes region, we’re spoiled by an abundance of fresh water. Growing up in Michigan, my childhood experience included every house on our block washing down its driveway with a hose every Saturday. I was in out of college before I could brush my teeth with the faucet turned off.

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LEED Design Review Submitted–Hoorah!

This is a milestone in our work to achieve certification from the US Green Building Council. LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design; it’s the government standard used to certify how ‘green’ a construction project is. We are submitting a checklist of items our team achieved during the design phase of the project for review. It represents 25 of the 38 credits we’re attempting to achieve a LEED Gold rating. Gold is second highest rating you can achieve on the LEED scale.

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A kitchen with a giant hole in the floor

Hi everyone, I’m Lindsay, Zina’s intern. Last friday I went to the space to see the beginning of construction. It’s very exciting and very messy! Part of the concrete floor of the future kitchen space was dug out leaving a giant hole. You could see the roof from the basement.

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