Good news, Bad news

LSK appearance in Administrative Hearings yesterday resulted in a finding of ‘not liable’–  so no fine.  Note the court does not find you ‘innocent’.  There is no right or wrong in administrative hearings, only liable or not liable.  It acts like a court, but when I requested the Judge order CDPH to issue a new, clean inspection report, her response was, "I can’t do that." Whaaaa?  A court with no remedy?

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LSK in Court Today fighting baseless violations

Logan Square Kitchen will be appearing at the Administrative Hearings Building, 400 W. Superior St., Room 107 at 1pm today in response to a Health Dept violation issued August 2, 2011.  Here’s our submission to the City of Chicago Law Dept. and Administrative Hearings Judge. 

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Chicago Health Dept. – LSK is officially FED UP

LSK has been inspected 19 times in 2 years.  Law requires two a year.  We’ve been inspected five times more frequently.  We’re off to court this Thursday, August 25th to contest a $500 ticket for a groundless violation that we view as retaliation for questioning a Health Dept. supervisor’s decisions.  We are officially FED UP. Here’s a document that details our most recent experience.  Want to help?

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Logan Square Farmer’s Market — The Saga

Friday, May 20th, the Logan Square Chamber of Commerce and Alderman Rey Colon signed an agreement concerning the operation and support of the 2011 Farmer’s Market.  I helped secure this agreement as a neutral facilitator.  I appreciate the opportunity to serve my neighborhood.  As many people have asked what happened, and the details of the agreement, I’m sharing them here. 

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So long since the last blog!

LSK tends to use Facebook and Twitter (logansqkitchen) to give ongoing updates about events.  Our blog is turning into the place for more in-depth discussions of food policy, and the work we do to support food entrepreneurship in Chicago.  Lots coming up in next couple of weeks…

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Zoning Appeal Granted – Unanimously!

Yesterday morning, I was alone in the Logan Square Kitchen when I listened to a voice mail from my attorney.  He was telling me that the Zoning Board of Appeals had unanimously ruled in our favor.  After 14 months of persevering, we  were no longer in danger of losing our business license.  I sat down and cried.

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Gratitude in City Hall

Logan Square Kitchen had a Zoning Board of Appeals hearing last Friday.  It’s been over a year of red tape, and Friday was a magnificent demonstration of what community can do.  I was inspired and grateful to witness the hearing.  About 40 people gave up their morning to sit behind us in support of the Kitchen, and we delivered over 275 letters of support.  It made a huge impression on the Board members, as community members rarely attend, and if they do, it’s in opposition. 

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Thanks to Alderman Gene Schulter

Yesterday we had our second meeting to provide feedback on a new licensing ordinance for shared kitchen users.  I attended the City Hall meeting with Alexis and Tonya, owners of Kitchen Chicago and Splice Kitchen respectively.  The ONLY reason we were at the table is due to Alderman Gene Schulter.  If you ever have the pleasure of meeting Ald. Shulter, THANK HIM.

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Speaking Up

The Chicago Reader is publishing a story this week. It relates Logan Square Kitchen’s terrible difficulties in the bureaucracy of City Hall over the past year.  It was not an easy decision, to decide to speak to the press.  For the past year, every attorney has advised me to keep quiet, for fear of retailiatory action by the City.  So this time, I didn’t ask.

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Great Cheap Eats in Chicago

More great press for Chicago’s wonderful food scene.  We’re so happy to see our good friends at Urban Belly and Floriole getting national press in Bon Appetit.  This article has a pdf for easy downloading of this gem of a story on great cheap eats.  It’s so fitting that I came across this article today, having had a

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