Happy 2025, and YES, I will be teaching the Festival Class this spring. Our instructor training will take place in February, and LSK classes will begin in March.
I’m keeping last year’s resources posted until I receive 2025 updates from City of Chicago. Thank you for your support, I hope to see you in class.
If you have missed LSK’s classes. You can find other options here:
City Festival Instructor List
Any business preparing, serving or sampling food at temporary outdoor events is required to have at least one worker with a Summer Festival Certificate in the booth at all times. Training must be renewed each year.
You must submit a health inspection of your kitchen with applications. It must be no more than 6 months old. To request an inspection, email food@cityofchicago.org.
Businesses exempt from this requirement are: cooking food trucks, vendors that dispense packaged food, and farmers market vendors that do not sample food on site.